Pull together a team of your friends or colleagues and join us for a game of Shuffleboard!
Shuffleboard is easy to learn and fun to play!
Each session is just £5 per 1/2 hour
Minimum of two players required
Never played shuffleboard before? Let these handy rules be your guide:
1. 2 Players – First to 15 points. 4 players (2 teams of 2) – First to 21 points
2. Team Games – one player from each team on each end of board
3. Coin toss to decide what colour and who shoots first (2nd shoot has advantage)
4. Puck must be fully in score zone to gain point
5. The puck furthest down the board is the winner of the round.
6. You only gain points if you win the round.
7. You can only gather points from pucks that are ahead of your opponents.
8. A Hanger is worth 4 points – when your puck overhangs the very end of the table but does not fall off/gets knocked off.
9. In a case of a tied round no points are awarded and round must be played again